Posted on June 03 2015
My husband and I had the opportunity to travel to Paris last month and what an amazing trip it was. I expected to be let down since obviously, my expectations for Paris were extremely high (movies, shows, and photos hype it up pretty well), but we were unbelievably overwhelmed with the city. So much history, beauty and wonder... and at night!!! Wow! Just unreal. We were on top of the Eiffel Tower just in awe that we were actually on top of the Eiffel Tower!
We stayed at a family member's apartment (a ten minute walk from the Arc de triomph) and were delighted to find ourselves in a non-touristy part of the city. Real stylish French women with their children impeccably dressed (if we saw children at all!) were a treat to behold. We have received gifts from our French family at each of our children's births from the adorable French baby boutique, Petit Bateau. So, it was really neat to be able to visit and see the adorable clothing shops in person. Thankfully, they have a US website that ships for free with orders over $100.
Some favorites we spotted:

Hello! A Padded Baby Cape! Oui Oui!
Hoping to visit Paris again soon, but for now, I can enjoy my little Frenchy baby clothes on my little bebes.