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Gray Mini Star | School Years Memory Book

$ 80.00

Looking for a way to document the K -12 years of your child? The new Ruby Love School Years Album in Gray Mini Star print is here! Order today!

*Patterns may slightly vary due to fabric*

...{ C O L O R . S C H E M E }...
Unlike the Ruby Love Baby Book, there is only ONE color scheme for the School Years book. It is gender-neutral and very stylish.

...{ P E R S O N A L I Z A T I ON }...
To personalize your baby book, it's only $5! 

...{ T H E . D E T A I L S }...
The natural byproduct of the Ruby Love Baby Book is the RUBY LOVE SCHOOL YEARS ALBUM ... Documenting the school aged years of kids from Pre-K - 12th Grade.

note: This book can work with public school, private school, or homeschooling. Focuses on the learning and interests of the child. Fun prompts and plenty of room for parents notes, also includes child participation sections (draw a self portrait, write your name) as well as prompts to ask your child each year (What do you want to be when you grow up? What is your favorite part about school). Same questions each year so you can see the progression.

...{ C O N T E N T S }...
the ALBUM:
Each handmade 10x11.5 ~ 3 ring album (1 1/2" D Ring Album) with button and string closure
Actual page size: 8.5"x11"

the PAGES::
Pages include:
- 60 full color pages (30 front and back)
- 4 pages per grade (K-12)
space for “1st day of school photo”
& “school portrait photo”
- 2 pages for Preschool (Pre K)
- 5 journaling pages
- Includes a matching FREE KEEPSAKE ENVELOPE

ALL ruby*love baby books content & designs are
copyright 2013 of RUBY LOVE LOS ANGELES

thanks and cheers to a loved (and well-documented) child!

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